Andy Martello - Las Vegas Headliner, Corporate Comedian

Andy Martello - Las Vegas Headliner, Corporate Comedian
Andy Martello - Las Vegas Headliner, Corporate Comedian

Monday, October 28, 2013

Listen to Andy Martello on the Todd Newton Speaks Podcast

Emmy-winner Todd Newton and Emmy-wanter Andy Martello

Listen to the most excellent podcast, Todd Newton Speaks 
for a great interview with me about my upcoming book,
stand-up comedy, & life on the road.
Todd is a good friend, author, corporate speaker,
and an Emmy-winning television personality. 
His podcast is very entertaining, available at iTunes,
If having me as a guest isn't a good enough reason
to give his show a good rating then being FREE certainly must be!

For more information about booking Andy Martello at your next corporate event, please call 702-465-5604 or visit

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